Saturday, August 31, 2019

If You Need Love, Get A Puppy Essay

1. PCAOB describes professional skepticism as a general duty of care that needs to be applied by the auditor throughout the duration of the audit engagement. Professional skepticism involves the auditor having a clear and questioning mind regarding the assertions that are presented by management or other client personnel. The auditor is instructed to not take the words or data presented by management as sufficient and appropriate audit evidence but rather the auditor needs to thoroughly audit the evidence with a questioning mind to achieve reasonable assurance about the persuasiveness of the evidence. Skepticism is composed of three elements; auditor attributes, mindset and actions. The PCAOB instructs the auditor to always question evidence presented by the auditor for the probability of loss, fraud or financial misstatement. Will, the auditor, exercised professional skepticism in this case when it came to the mysterious cash ticket payments for the tickets on 11/16. Having been friends with Jessica, Will needed to exhibit a higher level of skepticism. When Jessica produced the deposit slip for the $320 ticket and asserted that the deposit slip had probably fallen in between two cabinets in the vault, Will had the opportunity of taking Jessica’s assertion as sufficient and appropriate evidence but rather decided to investigate further and noticed that the year on the bills was different than the year of the ticket and that the ink on the deposit slip was different. Will then widened the sample size to see if this was a singularity or evidence of an ongoing issue/fraud. The two main conditions that could have affected his skepticism were his relationship with the process owner he was auditing and the materiality levels set forth for the audit. Jessica Randle, the wife of Will’s best friend, was the process owner for the area Will was currently auditing. This presents an issue in that skepticism can sometimes be influenced by the relationships auditors have made with the people they are auditing. An auditor is more likely to believe the assertions made by someone they know and trust, and this directly hinders on their skepticism. Will might also  have decided to not pursue further with his investigation of cash deposits that are missing their deposit slip due to the amounts ($320), being below the materiality threshold of $5,000. This, coupled with the fact that he felt as if he was irritating his superiors by asking many questions might have caused Will to simply abandon further investigating the area. If Will had not been exercising professional skepticism, he would simply have taken Jessica’s assertion as to why the deposit slip was missing as sufficient and appropriate evidence and moved on with another audit area. Jessica would have never gotten caught, and the fraud might have continued. 2. The Generally Accepted Auditing Standards require that the auditor must maintain independence in mental attitude in all matters relating to the audit. There are two types of independence that are required of auditors. Independence in appearance relates to others’ perceptions of auditors’ independence. It is of the utmost importance that users of the financial statements believe that the auditor is independent. For instance, if an auditor were to own even one share in a company that he or she was auditing, third party users would likely see that auditor as lacking independence even if the auditor was truly unbiased and considered that share irrelevant. The Code of Professional Conduct addresses the issue of personal client relationships. The familiarity threat states that auditors â€Å"having a close or long standing relationship with an attest client or knowing individuals or entities (including by reputation) who performed nonattest services for the client† lack independence. Part e. of this section states that a member of the attest engagement team whose close friend is in a key position is unallowed. Will’s independence in this case was questionable. His best friend’s wife, Jessica, worked for the client, but she did not hold a key position. Will’s independence in fact may be perceived differently by different users. However, Will’s independence in mind seemed to be impaired in this case. He was clearly uncomfortable accusing his best friend’s wife of fraud. Some cases may exist where auditors in similar situations were so uncomfortable that they looked the other way. The factor that plays the greatest role in determining auditor independence  is independence in mind. Auditors may or may not appear to be independent, but if the auditor is truly independent in mind, then the auditor can remain objective and unbiased. The profession should consider tightening the Code of Professional Conduct to address the issue of an audit team member knowing a close friend that holds any position at the audit client. If this scenario arises, the firm can still audit the client, but the audit member with the close relationship won’t be able to be on the audit team. 3. The evidence in the case is presented in a manner that leads to a stronger refute to Jessica’s claim that the money had fallen between the cabinets as opposed to supporting her claim. The evidence that would lead to support her claim would be her statement that there could be several explanations as to why the ticket was missing. She originally suggested that the ticket most likely was included with the other cash. After finding the ticket, Jessica states a story of what must have happened was that the assistant clerks were working late one night and must have decided to include the deposit with the following day’s bank deposit. Thus, when the ticket was missing, no one noticed. All of these explanations mentioned are all responses to inquiries of client. This type of evidence is not conclusive and could be biased in the client’s favor; hence, why this is the only evidence that is in favor of Jessica’s statement. When Will went back to his desk and counted the money he made sure the money on the slip was all there, $320, which is way under the set amount of $5,000 for materiality on the job. However, he noticed that the bills were crisp and has been printed in 2006. He checked this back to the bank deposit slip where he reconfirmed that the deposit was dated November 16, 2005. He then traced it back to the cash receipt to find that it was indeed recorded on November 16, 2005. This document tracing is important evidence that clearly shows a discrepancy in the documentation which lead to the first real line of evidence towards fraud. Another discrepancy that caught Will’s eye was the entry in the in receipt book was recorded in black ink while the writing on the envelope was in blue ink. Although this is not a strong form of evidence, it is enough to bring into question the evidence that has been traced back to recorded items. 4. Effective controls that if installed would have prevented or detected this theft include: Segregation of Duties (SoDs) and Daily payment and bank deposit reconciliations. The first area of controls deals with the Receipt books and proper SoDs. The recipient of cash payments should be different from the individual that records that cash payments into the Sheriff’s computer records as paid. The other control deals with reconciliations. The morning after the daily payment vouchers are processed and deposited, a reconciliation by someone who was not a recipient of cash payments the previous day needs to be done to reconcile that the total amount deposited into the bank matches the bank statement of amounts deposited by check, cash and money order. A monthly reconciliation needs to be performed for all payments done by credit card. 5. After Will presented Vince with the evidence that he has found after Jessica showed him the missing deposit slip along with the cash, the two decided to test eight more cash paid tickets. When five of the eight tickets were also not included in the bank deposit of the day, Will and Vince decided to have a meeting to discuss how they were going to proceed. With the evidence leading to fraudulent activity, the auditors could have decided to proceed in one of two ways. The first being to assess the level of materiality and decide if the amounts were immaterial, and if so they could leave the report as is. The other route the auditors could take is to further examine revenue, specifically the tickets paid in cash. If the decision is to proceed even further with the audit, there are multiple steps the auditors would take to reach reasonable assurance. First, they could examine internal controls to see if there was any other person who could have been using Jessica’s name as a cover up, for she was not the only assistant Clerk of Court. Next, they could examine every cash transaction for 2006, and if the trend continues, examine through previous years. Along with further testing of the transactions, the auditors would be conscious of the level of materiality. The auditors could even go to the extent of checking the bank statements to verify that the cash tickets aren’t being put with other cash deposits in the department. Ultimately, the auditors would have to contact the sheriff and police department to report  their findings. In this case, the auditors may have decided to: 6. In pursuing the matter, Will faced a number of pressures. At first he was concerned because Jessica was his best friend’s wife and he did not feel comfortable working in the situation. But Vince Huston, the partner that he had usually worked with assured him that knowing Jessica may not be such a bad thing. When Will was completing the audit and found that a cash receipt had not been deposited, he did not want to believe that Jessica was responsible so he double-checked his work and then he asked her about it. After receiving the bank deposit from Jessica, he was still skeptical because he had noticed a few minor things. The pen ink was two different colors in the receipt book and on the envelope. And then he noticed that it is impossible for a 2005 cash receipt to be paid for with a bill marked 2006. Will asked Jessica about the matter but she brushed it off and he was forced to report what he found out to Vince. In dealing with the misappropriation of assets of fraudulent financial reporting, auditors are to maintain professional skepticism throughout the engagement. This is because fraud is often committed by a person that the auditor least expects. In this case, it was Jessica. Will maintained his professional skepticism and did not let the fact that Jessica is his best friend’s wife affect his work. Auditors, in general, must also be aware of the basics of fraud awareness. Auditors should be able to notice any signs or signals of fraud and then be able to trace the documents back to anything that may help to uncover fraudulent activity. 7. When most people make ethical decisions, one of the things they do is try to find alternatives to the problem or situation and ask themselves what the consequences of those alternatives would be. In Will’s situation, after finding out that Jess was involved in misappropriating the cash associated with the ticket he had the options of letting what he had found out slide because Jess was his best friend’s wife, or confronting her about the situation and reporting her or letting her report herself. Ignoring the obvious signs that Jess was stealing money would only lead to her continuing to steal more money. The auditor would be putting their career in jeopardy and it would be highly unethical of any auditor to act in this way because they have a responsibility to maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit process. The other alternatives of reporting Jessica or letting her report herself to the authorities would be the right and ethical alternative to the situation. The consequences would be pretty much the same as they had turned out. Consequences for reporting Jess would be what they turned out to be. She would get punished for her crimes and on a more personal level, reporting her would lead to Will losing his best friend.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Substance misusers

Identify and act upon immediate risk of danger to substance misuse's 1. 1 – Describe the range of different substances subject to misuse and their effects There Is a whole range of different substances and they all create different effects. Substances fit Into three different categories, with more than one category fitting some substances. The three categories are: Stimulants, Depressants and Hallucinogens. I will proceed to list the main substances, their effects, how they are taken and the category they fit into: Alkyl Nitrates (poppers, amyl nitrate, butyl nitrate, gibbously nitrate): Category:Hallucinogens Effect: Brief but intense head rush, flushed face and neck, effects fade after 2-5- minutes Form and how taken: Vapor which is breathed in through the mouth or nose or from a small bottle or tube. Amphetamines (speed, waltz, poet, belly, sulfate, crystal meet): Category: Stimulants Effect : Excitement, the mind races and users feel confident and energetic, suppresses app etite, smoking crystal meet will produce a more intense rush Form and how taken: Grey or white powder that is snorted, swallowed, smoked, injected or dissolved in a drink.Base is a strong version of the powder form and is white or yellowish in color and is usually swallowed or injected. Tablets which are swallowed. Crystal meet is crystalline and is smoked or injected. Anabolic Steroids (rods): Category: Users say the drugs make them feel more aggressive and able to train harder, helps build up muscle with exercise, helps users recover from strenuous exercise Form and how taken: Tablets that are swallowed or liquids that are injected BGP – Phenylalanine (BIZ, pep, pep love, pep twisted, pep stones, the good stuff, exodus, frenzy): Category:Causes effects similar to amphetamine but not as strong. When combined with other types of prissiness the effects seem to be compounded which gives a greater sense of euphoria – (effects can differ from pill to pill due to the nature of the chemical make-up) Form and how taken: Pills – many shapes, forms and colors – Often have Imprints such as fly, crown, heart and can often be sold as ecstasy Cannabis (Marijuana, weed, puff, skunk, blow, phonic, draw. Soapbox): Category: Users feel relaxed and talkative. May cause hilarity. Usually brings on cravings for food.Strong skunk can cause hallucinations. Form and how taken: A solid dark lump known as resin/hash or leaves, buds, stalks and seeds, or a sticky dark oil. Can be rolled either with or without tobacco in a Joint or smoked in a pipe, or eaten in a cake or biscuits. Cocaine and Crack (Cocaine, Charlie, coke, crack, wash, rock, white): Category: Sense of well-being alertness and confidence. For cocaine the effect can last for around 30 minutes, users are often left wishing for more. Crack has the same effects as cocaine but is much more intense and a much shorter high with a ore intense craving for more.Form and how taken: Cocaine – white powder that is snorted up the nose, dabbed on gums, swallowed and sometimes dissolved and injected. Crack – small raisin sized crystals which are smoked in a pipe Heroin (smack, gear, brown, H): Depressants Strong feeling of warmth, contentment and well-being (happy bubble) Form and how taken: Usually brown, sometimes white powder. Either smoked on foil or prepared for injection and injected. Ecstasy (E, doves, pills, burgers, disco biscuit, maturities, MADAM): Category: Users feel alert and in tune with their surroundings.Sound, color and emotions seem more intense. Users may dance for extended periods. Effects may last for 3 to 6 hours. Form and how used: Tablets of different shapes, size and color – often with some kind of logo on. Pure MADAM (the main ingredient in ecstasy pills) is a brown colored crystal and is crushed and snorted. Gases, glues and aerosols (lighter gas, aerosols containing products such as hairspray, deodorants and air fresheners, tins or tubes of glue, some paints, thinners and correcting fluids): Category:Hallucinogens Similar to being very drunk, also thick headed, dizzy, giggly, dreamy, and hallucinations Form and how used: Sniffed or breathed into the lungs from a cloth or sleeve. Gas products are sometimes squirted directly into the back of the throat. Alcohol: Disinherited, euphoria, loss of coordination and unconsciousness Form and how used:Drunk as a liquid Astatine (K, special K, vitamin K): in severe cases Form and how used: Legally produced as a liquid, illegally produced as a pill or grainy white powder – usually snorted or prepared for injection ND injected.Painlessness's (Valid, digamma, tempera, neutralize, planetarium, yellows, blues, smarmiest, bonzes, reopen, trains, Jellies, valise, mommies, roofers, downers): Long acting bonzes such as valid/digamma are commonly used for stress and anxiety management. Short acting ones such as tempera are often used for help with sleep. Used in detoxification w here there is risk of fitting. All cause a calm relaxed feeling or bring on sleep. Form and how used: Either swallowed as a pill, injected or used in a suppositoryOpiates (Methadone, codeine, Dehydrogenate (DIF 18), Diction, Petitioned, Opium, Morphine, Playful, Subtext – partial opiate): Category: Can be divided into long acting and short acting. SHort acting can depending on dose, give feelings of contentment and relief of distress that is also offered by heroin. Longer acting opiates such as methadone cause less euphoria and are mainly used to relieve symptoms of withdrawal. Form and how used: Pills – swallowed, linctuses – swallowed, enunciable preparations. GHB (GHB, Liquid Ecstasy, gammahydroxybutyrate, RE, rib, blue Juice, roofless, liquid E):Small amounts may cause happiness and distribution. Increasing amounts brings out depressant effects. Sometimes used for bodybuilding. Induces sleep and is often associated with rape. Form and how used: Odorless slig htly salty liquid. Concentration is variable so may be difficult to measure dosage – often mixed with a drink LSI (Acid, trip, tab, blotter, stars): Time distortion, perceptual changes, visual colors and patterns Form and how used: Usually a small tab of paper with a colorful pattern on – usually eaten or wiped around gums

Jack Davis ( No Sugar Essay)

NO SUGAR (JACK DAVIS) Jack Davis’ â€Å"No Sugar†, written in 1985, is a play that highlights Australian racism and cultural destruction caused by British colonialism. It is set in 1929 (Great Depression) in Northam, Western Australia. The play explores the impacts of the European social and political philosophy of the early 20th century on Aboriginal society. The focal points of this play are the superiority of white people, racism, and the bond between Aboriginal families. These themes highlight Australian culture, and have shaped it into its many different forms for all Australian’s today.Jack Davis has used dialogue between the characters in this extract to privilege a postcolonial reading of the text. Davis uses dialogue in order to construct a world in which the aboriginal people can be identified to the audience as an ill-treated, oppressed race. Davis uses dialogue to represent how the colonized react to the social situations in which they were subjugated to, on a regular basis in the early times of colonization. â€Å"CISSIE: Aw mum, Old Tony the ding always sells us little shriveled ones and them wetjala kids big fat one. Through this dialogue the audience identifies that society at the time did not allow the colonized to be classed as the same standard as the colonizer. Davis lends this text to a postcolonial reading through the use of characterization. The use of characterization in the play reinforces the idea that the characters amplify a sort of submission to English culture displays to the audience the effect of colonization. Although the characters retain many of their aboriginal attributes, such as living off the land â€Å"Come on, let’s get these rabbits. They have allowed themselves and their culture to be colonized by accepting many of the British attributes such as playing cricket â€Å"DAVID and CISSIE play cricket with a home-made bat and ball. † The aboriginal people have allowed themselves to colon ized acquiring British aspects, which coincide with their aboriginal heritage. Through this extract the characters also begin to read the paper, the combination of the children playing cricket and the elder reading the paper appears from an outside point perspective a very British activity. Looking at the context, which surrounds the writing of the play, can also support a postcolonial reading.Another device used by Davis is stage directions principally used to invoke or create a rising dramatic tension, an example of this is â€Å"He nicks his finger with the axe and watches the blood drip to the ground. † This is symbolic of the Aboriginals manifesting frustration; they are inflicting pain on themselves because they know it isn’t possible to inflict pain on their conquerors. Jimmy’s character represents the rebellion of any marginalized race; he pushes the boundaries as far as he can. The fact that Aboriginals are â€Å"dancing† for the white Australian s shows their power.This dancing is a form of service provided by the Aboriginals, they are expressing their culture but to the people who have destroyed it. It could almost be read as a child trying to get an adults attention by jumping around and holding out what they want. To Jimmy these dancing Aboriginals are jumping around and showing the White Australians that they want their culture back. This reach out to white settlers shows how much more dominate they are and their culture is. Through the use of dramatic conventions Jack Davis’ play No Sugar can be read as a postcolonial criticism.It presents a number of issues with colonization and the particular effects it had on the Australian Aboriginal people. First performed in 1985, the play deals with the struggles of the aboriginal people and oppression in which they endured by white Australian society. The play was set in 1929, a time when aboriginal people were not yet accepted as equals in society. The main ideas presen ted in the play are shown through the dialogue, characters and context. This extract uses techniques to set the basis for the idea’s that will be expressed throughout the entire play.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

What explains the widening and deepening of international peace Essay - 1

What explains the widening and deepening of international peace operations after the Cold War - Essay Example In this sense international stability relied on the premise that if state security is maintained, then the security of citizens will necessarily follow. Therefore international security relied on the anarchistic balance of power, a military build-up between the US and the Soviet Union which were the two superpowers, and on the absolute sovereignty of the nation-state. Security was seen as protection from invasion; executed during proxy conflicts using technical and military capabilities (Bajpai, 2000). When the Cold War came to an end in 1989 with the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, when the countries of Eastern Europe regained independence, and when finally the Soviet Union disintegrated, there was widespread feeling throughout the world that at long last universal peace had descended on Earth. The fear of a war in which weapons of mass destruction would be used had vanished. Cold War was an ideological war between the capitalist west led by the USA the communist east led by the Soviet Union. Cold war was characterized by arms struggle between these two sides with either side arming its allies in readiness for any eventuality. This sometimes led to wars with the two powers supporting the opposing side. On both sides of the Cold War, the trend seemed to indicate that the world was moving toward internationalism rather than nationalism. As a result of the threat of nuclear warfare, great emphasis on democracy and human rights, economic interdependence, and gradual acceptance of universal ideologies, it became fashionable to speak of the demise of ethnic and nationalist movements.Despite expectations to the contrary after the cold war, a fresh cycle of ethno political movements re-emerged in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa, and many other parts of the world. In fact, with the end of the Cold War, which clearly increased international cooperation while decreasing the possibilities of inter-state wars, the main threat to peace does

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

E-Commerce and E-Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

E-Commerce and E-Business - Research Paper Example Dell's website key characteristics were recognised which includes its context of use, impact of the homepage, general usability, page layout and navigation, and most importantly the information contents. The effective use of innovate web technologies and with a strong well-known brand name, the website works consistently with the general purpose of the online portal. The necessity of these elements is of high importance but marketing can also of a priority. Web usability is an important which Dell's website successfully applied along with the web navigation, information, and design. Also, considering online business, this report provides important notes about some legal and ethical issues. There are numerous threats to the security of Internet e-commerce. Dell has a strong brand and already established its position with effective business strategies, efficient use of technology and business model which gave them a competitive advantage from online stores. Our company, Delta IT Consultancy2, is an internet consultancy firm which includes servicing clients from e-business consultancy to providing e-solutions. As the client seeks recommendation about what counteract plans regarding their plan of redevelopment and enhancement of their online business presence and e-business strategy, our company is tasked to take charge of what they should implement with the growing dominance of Dell in the marketplace. The client is a 'bricks-and-clicks' company which is a business model by which a company integrates both offline (bricks) and online (clicks) presences (Wikipedia, 2007). With the ever increasing competition in the online marketplace especially online computer sale stores, the numbers of sales are significantly affected. The aim of this report is to analyse and evaluate Dell's website infrastructure and its e-commerce or e-business strategy. The report comprises two sections accordingly. Section 1 will be the appraisal details of Dell's website, which is the main dominating company in the marketplace and provides the key pressure to the client's success. Utilising Dell's website as the mock-up standards, it is recommended to the client of how Dell's online presence bring fort their business online with regards to the client's aim of redeveloping and enhancement of their online presence. Section 2 evaluates the business models and the use of technology by Dell's website in facilitating them to edge with the lead. After the critical appraisal of Dell's website, our client will be placed on its competitive advantage and total improvement of business activity online. 1 Analysis 1.1 Context of Use Website: Dell UK - Users: Any web user is welcome to access Dell's website from any computer with internet and any type of web browser. Users can range from individual and corporate to enterprise and large business scale particularly buyers and retailers for purchasing products and services, and even access relevant company information or website contents for specific purpose. Prior to checkout of their purchasing products and services, users need to register or login to record order details. Stakeholders: All users that visit the website are

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Women Rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women Rights - Research Paper Example A clarification is needed at the beginning; respect for women rights is hardly a universal (Cook, pp.3). However, thanks to numerous women throughout history, women have achieved equal rights in the workplace (O’Connor, pp. 270). Marina Jimenez (2011), a journalist wrote a personal essay stating that she suffered no discrimination at the workplace, for she received numerous assignments, traveled the world and shone in her career. She also elaborates that while she faces a major problem of combining childbearing with career, women have taken great strides in their careers (Jimenez, 2011). In addition, on the eve of the 100th International Women’s Day, different executives were interviewed about whether they faced discrimination at the workplace. According to Shona Nag, she feels that males do try to dominate and cannot absorb the fact that women might be better than they might at work. However, Chavan feels that she has never faced any sort of harassment, except some amo unt of over-protectiveness from men (Mid Day, 2011). Women are an all important source of human talent. This was proved during the Second World War. Although many conferences are held on the gender equality issue, there are various parts of the world, whether there is no concept of ‘equality’. However, it is necessary. Many people feel that there is an urgent need for a better social welfare system for women. This is mainly because of economic dependence and an inappropriate pay structure for the women. Women are the backbone of the society.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Polycarp (ca,69-155) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Polycarp (ca,69-155) - Research Paper Example The Catholic literature identifies the fundamental texts from which information about the life and works of Polycarp are to be found, and they are the following: St. Ignatius epistles; the Epistle to the Philippians by Polycarp; details of Polycarps martyrdom, as detailed in the Letter to the Smyrnaeans; and various St. Irenaeus text passages. It is noteworthy that the original letters to the seven Asian churches includes Smyrna, in Turkey, as one of those original churches, rooting Polycarp and his church in the center of that movement in history to Revelations, indicating the degree to which Polycarp and his church was persecuted by the political and religious establishment of the time (Knight 2009; Kiefer 2014). The text The Martyrdom of Polycarp in particular narrates of the suffering and death of Polycarp in defense of the faith. He was put on the stake and there burned, and finally stabbed to death. He died at age 86, in 156 AD, and was stabbed to death when the fire at the stake failed to kill him. This is the first fully documented account of a martyrdom in the early church. Polycarp is also noteworthy for being a direct disciple of one of the original disciples of Jesus, in John the Apostle, and it was from John that Polycarp was granted the authority to head the Christian church in Smyrna, where he was given the title of bishop. It was St. Jerome who narrated this. These latter details were put on record by Tertulian, as well as by Irenaeus. The extent of his influence is reflected in the way Polycarp has come to be considered a saint not just within the Catholic church, but also in the various Orthodox churches, among the Lutheran congregations, and among Anglicans (Knight 2009; Cat holic Online 2013; Franciscan Media Copyright 2012). One gets a sense of the importance of Polycarps life and times in the way he had been a faithful first-hand witness

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Globalization and Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Globalization and Media - Essay Example The influence brought about by globalization in the music industry underscores the intercultural influence, the problems on piracy, and impact on locally produced music around the world. Hollywood as Center of Globalized Music A place in the United States called Hollywood is almost entirely synonymous to talent, fame, and glamour. This is still true if looking at the history of the birthplace of global music. Hollywood in 1915 spells out the â€Å"professional [and] polished recorded entertainment† (Williams 1). Ever since, Hollywood is a center of musical dream and fame. Nowadays, its capacity to reach the global audience is an advantage to influence their message, trend, and philosophy. The dawning of modern technology has increased this capacity, that in a span of minutes, the audience from the other side of the globe would be able to listen to a new song performance. This speedy access of American music has threatened the locally produced music from other countries. Althou gh foreign artists can enter into the Hollywood realm, their percentage is discriminate and cannot prove an exchange of culture in music. More so, the musical performance of these foreign artists is of American standard and influence. In this note, the so called ‘globalization of music’ becomes questionable. ... However, even if in the presence of such agreement, the local music industry still fears to be eaten up by dominant countries. Figure 1 of Appendix A shows the status of international music with respect to its country between the years 2003-2007. It clearly shows that the American music, dominates the rest of the local music industries in the international market. Its nearest contender according to statistics, United Kingdom, is shown to be too distant to be actually called a competitor. As stated earlier, the ability of the American artists to have a larger share of audience stemmed from Hollywood’s extensive market share. Multimedia has helped the success of the American music into the international scene. Figure 2 of Appendix A shows the latest report of the International Federation of Phonographic Industry (IFPI) on the top selling songs last 2010. Noticeably, all of the said songs and albums were produced in the United States which serves as a proof that American songs do minate the international airwaves. The songs on the list all made international success and made the country as â€Å"the largest digital music market in the world† (IFPI, 12). Since the radio is not the only means of distributing music and the internet is readily available for anyone to use, the influence brought about by the internationalization of music has become phenomenal. Such influence and fast access of music helped raise global awareness through charity-run music; however the downside of modern music videos spread throughout the continents. Globalized Music and Its Influence Sparks rise from the glamour of what has been called â€Å"models† of influence in the media. Through music, one can express message and sentiments that could trigger more

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Illustration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Illustration - Essay Example ctive equipment consists of a range of clothing and equipment, which is worn by workers, students, contractors and visitors to protect their bodies from workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment contains equipment for eyes, head, ears, breathing system, body, hands and arms and feet and legs and should be used for the protection of an individual against any hazardous situation. People working in a workplace make use of personal protective equipment to ensure their safety. Firemen use PPE, manufacturing laborers use PPE, students and scientists working at laboratories use PPE, people working at construction sites use PPE, doctors use PPE and many others use PPE for their safety from any risky situations. For different kinds of workers working at different places, different kind of safety equipment and clothing is used. Firemen wear costumes that secure them from extensive heats and burns, they also use goggles for the safety of their eyes so that their eyes don’t get injured because of the situations they are put in. There are also special helmets for the firemen that secure their heads from any injurious activity happening around them. The students working in laboratories with chemicals should put on the lab coats and gloves in order to work securely. There can be many chances of occurrence of some dangerous situation. For that time, they should be ready and should use the PPE designed for that purpose. With proper precautionary measures by using PPE, many hazards can be controlled. While entering a workplace, the workers should wear the PPE instructed for them in order to take suitable precautionary measures for any risky situation. The protective equipment is designed for the safety of its users and when it is used, it proves to be efficient. Generally, people consider protective equipment as a burden and try to avoid it but they should keep in mind that it is not a burden and should be used for their own safety. Some people also use half of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Examine the implications of EU for European industrial relations Essay

Examine the implications of EU for European industrial relations - Essay Example The effects of advancing European integration on national systems of industrial relations, and the associated need for a systematic analysis of the conditions, forms, and direction of the Europeanisation and 'supranationalisation' of industrial relations, have long ago attracted the attention of researchers. Although a number of valuable comparative studies have appeared in the last decade (Ferner and Hyman 1992; Hyman and Ferner 1997; Bispinck and Lecher 1999), by and large these have not concerned themselves with the specific context of the European Union and the transnational dimension of industrial relations. (Wolfgang Lecher, 133) In particular, there has been almost no systematic consideration of the interaction between and consequences of the co-existence and superimposition of supranational and national relations between state actors and the parties to collective bargaining, both for systems of industrial relations and for broader areas of policy at the various levels of the European Union's multi-tiered system of governance. Similarly, there has been little research into the effects of the horizontal interaction between differing national systems of industrial relations and approaches to social and economic organization which are embedded in the same EMU and, as a result, are subject to the pressures of mutual regime competition. 1.According to Jelle Visser ( prior to the EMU, industrial relations in member states seemed to follow one of two broad tracks: 1. Attempts at cross-border co-ordination among trade unions in continental welfare states and in what broadly can be described as the D-mark zone (Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and, although not member of EMU, Denmark) to seek wage increases within specified parameters and thereby preventing upward wage pressure (endangering monetary stability) and downward wage competition and social dumping. 2. The adoption of or attempt at tripartite Social Pacts in peripheral or 'catch-up' countries outside the D-mark zone (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece) and those prospective EMU members which were confronted with deep structural changes (Ireland, Finland), prioritising national competitiveness, addressing crisis situations and preparing for EMU membership. This view sets out from the position that the developments referred to above constitute structuring elements in a future system of European industrial relations, organised around two dynamic poles-the company-centred transnational level and an overarching macro level, with its institutional focus in the 'social dialogue'. It expects the guaranteed rights to information and consultation which will result from the across-the-board establishment of European works councils (EWCs) in the wake of the Directive to create the foundations for the possibility of company-based collective bargaining on issues such as training and working time. Moreover, EWCs are to promote the conver gence of workplace employee representation across Europe and act as a catalyst for the harmonisation of trade union policies on employment issues and collective bargaining. (Wolfgang Lecher, 135) This optimistic standpoint sees a positive link between trade union demands for participation, on the one hand, and the establishment of new post-Fordist systems of production and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Nathan Hale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nathan Hale - Essay Example To be able to identify a terrorist, we must be able to define the terrorist whether it is an individual, an organization, or a sponsoring state. Freedom fighters are generally defined as a local organization, possibly military or pari-military, that is fighting a military force that is believed to be illegally occupying the local territory (Ash 2001). Freedom fighters were instrumental in impeding Nazi aggression across Europe during WWII. Guerrilla warfare is fought by small bands of irregular soldiers usually against an oppressive government in their own country, and generally restricts its targets to military and government facilities. The FBI, CIA, State Department, and United Nations all agree that to attain the label of terrorist they must target the civilian population (Beres n.d.). It may be an individual, a group, an organization, or a country that funds and advocates terrorism. Terrorism must use misappropriated violence or the threat of violence against the civilian populace to alarm or intimidate a government. The Department of Defense further defines terrorism as, "...violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" (Beres n.d.).

Can Marriage Be Saved Essay Example for Free

Can Marriage Be Saved Essay Can Marriage Be Saved? Written by: Frank Furstenberg Summer 2005 I chose the article â€Å"Can Marriage Be Saved? † written by Frank Furstenberg. This article was found under the â€Å"topics for course papers† section of our syllabus, link number four. I felt that the article was very much true to life. I agree that marriage seems to last a lifetime for the more educated and wealthy. I see all too often young adults getting married just because they have become pregnant or for the wrong reasons. This theory rarely seems to work. This usually causes problems for the young family because neither person is ready to take on the major responsibility that having a family at such a young age brings. This relates very close to my life because I was married and had my first child at the age of 16. With the lack of education and work experience that I had, it made it almost impossible to support and provide for my child. Needless to say, I found myself divorced and a 16 year old single parent six months later. The struggles of being married without an education or a career are a huge strain on a relationship. It is almost unheard of to have the idea, 1960’s, type of lifestyle these days. It was very common for the woman to be the homemaker and the caregiver for the children during this time while the man worked and provided for his family. Now, it is almost forced upon most families to have a middle class lifestyle or above in order to live a comfortable life. With this being said, it is crucial for both parties of the marriage to obtain a higher education and to work full time. Adding a child to the mix of working, school and trying to find time to be a parent can be a disaster. No wonder most marriages end almost as soon as they begin. I believe the best way we can change these old habits is to set better examples for our children and instill high values in them to get a college degree and make sure they have a strong career path before tackling the challenge of marriage and having a family. I believe marriage has a much higher chance of success if you have your education and career in order first. Once you have a good balance of values in your life, then you should consider marriage and a family.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM): Ginger

Analysis of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM): Ginger Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are being used more and more by health professionals and patients in addition to medical based therapies. The Cochrane Collaboration (2000) defines alternative and complementary medicines as;Â   a broad domain of healing resources that encompasses all health system, modalities, and practices and their accompanying theories and beliefs, other than those intrinsic to the politically dominant health system of a particular society or culture in a given historical period. Complementary medicine models form the foundation of primary care systems in some countries worldwide. There are many different types of complementary and alternative medicines such as: ginger, raspberry leaf, castor oil, cabbage leaves, acupuncture and jasmine herbal tea. This written assignment will focus on ginger and will explore the use of this complementary alternative medicine across the childbearing continuum as recommended by midwives in clinical practice and will discuss the roles and responsibilities of the midwife when endorsing this intervention and the potential risks for both the woman and baby. There are many reasons why people use complementary alternative medicines such as: conventional medicine has not fixed their problem and some people believe that natural products are much more safe and healthier to use rather than prescription drugs (Women’s Health Organisation, 2012). Ginger has been used as a cooking spice as well as a herbal medicine throughout history, and has been commonly used to treat morning sickness, motion sickness, colic, gas, upset stomachs and nausea. There are special precautions and warnings that should be followed as using ginger when pregnant is debated. Herbs may contain substances that could cause premature birth, uterine contractions and miscarriage (American Pregnancy Association, 2013).There are some concerns that ginger may affect the sex hormones of a fetus and there are also reports of a miscarriage occurring close to the 12th week of pregnancy in women who took ginger to alleviate their morning sickness. There are also a few concerns that ginger may increase the risk of bleeding with some professionals advising women to not use it close to their delivery date (Medline Plus, 2014). There is not enough proof to show whether or not the use of ginger during breastfeeding is safe, therefore it is best to not use when women are breastfeeding. Morning sickness can affect up to 85% expectant mothers during the first three months of pregnancy (Koren Maltepe , 2013). From time to time the symptoms of morning sickness can become so serious, that they lead to a condition known as hyperemesis gravidum. When this occurs the woman will require hospitalization in order to replace both fluids and electrolytes intravenously. Morning sickness usually resolves in the first trimester of pregnancy, however in a small number of women, it can continue throughout the whole pregnancy. Some drugs, which are used to treat hyperemesis gravidum, have the potential to cause harm to the fetus (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2008). The first three months of pregnancy are a vital period for fetal growth, as the fetus is especially vulnerable to the detrimental effects of specific drugs and treatments. Even though today’s prescribed anti-nausea drugs do not seem to cause birth defects, many women choose to decline taki ng any medication during pregnancy and shift to the use of more natural types of remedies such as the complementary alternative medicines (Beauchamp, 2005). Few studies have been performed on whether or not complementary alternative medicines cause harm to the developing fetus however, one study suggests that ginger is safe to use for morning sickness without harming the unborn fetus with the risk of abnormalities having a rate of 1-3%. A study was performed on ‘the effectiveness and safety of ginger for pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting’, with randomised controlled trials of ginger and pregnancy related vomiting and nausea being sourced from companies such as Medline and the Cochrane library. Four of the randomised controlled trials met the inclusion standards with each of the trials finding that ginger given orally was found to be suggestively more effective than placebo when decreasing the occurrence of vomiting and nausea. The conclusion of this study shows that ginger is a safe and effective treatment for pregnancy related vomiting and nausea. On the other hand, hesitation still remains in regards to gingers maximum dosage, the correct length of the treatment, the effects of over dosage and the possible interactions with prescription medications (Ding et al., 2012). Although herbs are considered natural not all of them are safe to use during pregnancy. It is the midwives role and responsibility to refer women to an herbalist to discuss complementary alternative medicines that the women may wish to use during her pregnancy. The use of alternative medicines are out of the midwives scope of practice, therefore it is important for not only midwives but other health professionals to refer the appropriate source so the women can receive the correct care. It is important for midwives to recognise the limits of their knowledge when discussing the woman’s options and alternative medicines and refer to those who are trained and accredited in their own professions (Pairman, Tracy, Thorogood, Pincombe, 2010). It is also the midwives responsibility to document any herbal medicines that she discloses she is using. It is the woman’s decision as to whether or not she takes up the offer to be referred to an herbalist, however no matter what her de cision is her record of herbal alternative medicines will be documented in her pregnancy health record for effective continuity of care. Overall, the use of complementary alternative medicines is increasing worldwide with someone women preferring these options rather than other medical therapies and substances. However, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of alternative medicines, there safety and effectiveness during pregnancy. For complementary alternative medicines to be considered this issue requires more research before any conclusions can be made on their effectiveness and treatment recommendations can then be put forth. The safety of complementary alternative medicines also needs to be considered before revealing a pregnant woman to these biologically active compounds (Anderson Johnson, 2005). Midwives will be increasingly called upon to assess the effectiveness and safety of complementary alternative medicines so it is crucial for them to understand the correct benefits and potential risks of these medicines and treatments to best serve patients throughout their individualised maternity care. Reference List American Pregnancy Association (2013). Herbs and pregnancy. Retreived from: Anderson, F.W.P., Johnson, C.T. (2005). Complementary and alternative medicine in obstetrics. International Journal of Gynaecology Obstetrics, 91, 116-124. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2005.07.009 Beauchamp, K. (2005). Health Conditions and Concerns: Ginger Treats Morning Sickness Retreived from: Ding, M., Leach, M., Bradley, H. (2012). The effectiveness and safety of ginger for pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting: A systematic review. Journal of the Australian College of Midwives, 26 (1), e26-e30. Doi: Koren ,G., Maltepe ,C. (2013). How to survive morning sickness successfully. Retrieved from Medline Plus (2014). Ginger. Retreived from: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2008, March). Antenatal Care; Routine Care for the healthy pregnant woman. Retrieved from Pairman, S., Tracy, S., Thorogood, C., Pincombe, J. (2010). Midwifery: Preparation for Practice. (2nd ed). Australia: Elseiver. University of Maryland Medical Centre (2010). Ginger Overview. Retreived from: Women’s Health Organisation (2012). Complementary and alternative medicine. Retreived from: Zollman, C., Vickers, A. (2000). What is complementary medicine? British Medical Journal, 319 (693). Doi:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Changes in brand image of Toyota

Changes in brand image of Toyota Toyota is one of the top car brands from Japan. They have been one of the biggest automakers in the world. They have been producing automobile for the past 60 years. They have put their brand in the spotlight and they have achieved the consumers trust on their products and brand. Toyota has been profitable from their first creation. Their brand has been well known and used by consumers worldwide. Their quality of product has never disappointed their customers. Their brand image has been built on the safety and reliability of their cars. 2.0 Brakes Malfunction and Sticky Pedal Accelerators In the previous years, Toyota has encountered issues that are similar to year 2009 but in year 2009 they have to announce to their stakeholders that they are calling a major call back on their new hybrid cars Toyota Prius. It is a fully hybrid electric medium build car that has good qualities as it is environmental friendly but it has a big problem. The problems are that the car brakes failed to work the accelerator pedals got stuck. Toyotas taking a huge hit at the moment in terms of their brand image, Mr. Champion said. In January, the problems of sticky accelerator pedals reached almost to 4.5 million vehicles and in November, as many as 5.5 million vehicles with accelerator pedals that could become trapped by the floor mat were called back. Toyota Prius have started been sold in the year 2004 throughout year 2009. These model years are affected by these problems of brake malfunction and the sticky accelerator issue. Toyota has also made a mistake to their stakeholders by not responding to the issue soon enough before the news spreads out to the public. Their Board of Directors should have take action before more complaints are filed. 2.1 Employees The employees that are affected by this issue are the one responsible for assembling and installing the brakes to the vehicle. Their quality check department employees are to be blamed in this matter due to their careless checking. The repairing works begin as soon as the shipments of the parts reached the dealerships. Employees will take at least 25 minutes to completing each repair work. One of the service managers Dave Davis says that Its going to be chaotic, but were doing the best we can. If I have customers until 9 oclock at night, thats how late Ill stay open. This statement proves that employees have to work long hours to finish up the repair works. For the employees that are working in the assembly line, they are under pressured by having to come up with a more dependable fix as soon as possible because the longer they take to find a dependable fix, the longer the assembly line will be idle, the higher the cost of Toyota will be. When the assembly line is idle means that other processes are put on hold, there will be no new car sales probably until Toyota fixes the damaged they have caused to their own company. 2.2 Customers The customers are the people that affected the most due to this mishap. They are at risk of losing their lives when the breaks of their vehicle fail to function as they should. Toyota was aware of the complaints in Japan about the braking problems on their Prius. In the United States, the complaints on the Prius brakes are building up as well. An accident was reported in Japan, suspected to be linked to the brakes not functioning. According to the Japanese Transport Ministry, the accident injured two people as the Prius they were driving crashed into another car head on. (CBSNews Business) 2.4 Shareholders Their shareholders are affected by this issue because they have invested in Toyota for the project of the Prius. When this problem arises their stock prices will fall. Their dividends are automatically affected by this issue. Toyota stocks falls drastically in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, falling 5 percent to 3,230 yen ($35) after dropping 5.7 percent the previous day. When the U.S. call backs were announced in the media, 22 percent of their stocks are lost. 3.0 Importance of Dilemmas After this issue is out in the public, Toyota has admitted to the press that their hybrid car has problems. They have made a major call back of the vehicle globally. As many as 4.5 million units were called back. Toyota is making a decision what any other auto manufacturer would do in this kind of situation. They send out letters to the affected car owners that need to send their vehicle for the call backs. The Toyotas technicians are working hard and working long hours to deal with the high volume repair jobs that are occurring. If the Toyota does not realize how important this issue will affect their company, they will have to suspend the sales of the new car of the affected models that are still at their dealers lots and the new car production will also be temporarily stopped. They must know that this issue is big. 3.1 Employees The production plant in Alabama is shutting down for three months in order to cut the inventory levels but no full time workers were let go. Instead, the part time workers were let go and their overtime were cut. During the three months shut down, Toyota came up with a training, cost cutting and improvement plan for their employees. Jim Bolte the President of a plant in Alabama, United States says that When we made our initial announcement about our non-production time and told our team members that they would not lose their jobs, we could see that many of them maybe didnt believe usà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. He also added Now they know that when we say things we really mean them. (Reuters) 3.2 Customers After the occurrence issue, Toyota provides free transportation for their customers in the United States to the dealers for repairs that involved in the call backs. They provide this free transportation to those who refuse to drive their call back vehicle to the dealership and also reimbursement for the Toyota owners. At the dealer, they provide a rental car or a pickup and return car at the dealership. They provide a fast service on the repair works and they also give reimbursement to their dealers for the cost of compliance. (Bloomberg Business Week) 3.3 Shareholders The Toyota Motor Corporation President Akio Toyoda bowed and apologized to Toyotas shareholders for causing the biggest global call backs of their vehicles. It was the first time the president of Toyota faces the shareholders since the companys reputation was damaged due to the call backs issue. He says that the company is doing their best to improve their quality control and he is thankful to the shareholders for their support. He adds We believe our most important task is to regain customers trust. (Autos on 3.4 Theory Toyota should know look into the utilitarianism theory. This theory has been used since the eighteenth and nineteenth century philosophy but the idea of this theory is still applicable in the twenty-first century. This theory explains that we should make a decision by considering the consequences of our actions. It means that we should act in ways that produce better out come than the alternative we are considering. In principle it is also known as maximizing the overall good or the greatest good for the greatest number (Hartman P. L. and DesJardins J. 2008). A decision that fulfils all these terms is the right decision to be made ethically. Therefore, Toyota has to figure out what is the best thing to do for the sake of their stakeholders. Thus, by making the right decision they are able to regain their stakeholders trust towards their company. Toyota can use this theory not just to make decision for their current issues but also they can refer it if there is any issue occurred in t he future because it balanced the good over bad for those who are affected (Shaw H. W. and Barry V. 1998). 4.0 Our Principe Toyota believe that theres no best only better. They will keep on getting better for the future. That is why they put their brand message Moving Forward. This message proves how passionate they are for innovation and discovering new ideas and technology. They know that no matter how successful they may get, there will always be new challenges that awaits them in the future. They are focused on the future of the company and their brand. They will not stop pursuing for excellence as they are dedicated to Kaizen which means continuous improvement. By implementing this in their hearts, they are able to give what their customer values the most out of them which are their quality, durability and reliability of the vehicle that they have produced. Even though, currently Toyota is facing some issues on their quality and reliability, they still hold strong on what they believe in which is Kaizen. They are trying their best to regain what they have almost lost from their stakeholders. (Toyota Corporate info) 5.0 Recommendation

Monday, August 19, 2019

Christianity vs. Entrapment in OConnor Wise Blood Essay -- OConnor W

Christianity vs. Entrapment in O'Connor's Wise Blood      Ã‚  Ã‚   In "The Cage of Matter: The World as Zoo in Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood," William Rodney Allen addresses the "reverse evolution" of Enoch Emery and the "inverted quest for salvation" of Hazel Motes, suggesting a parallel between the two main characters of O'Connor's novel which reinforces its theme of the utter hopelessness of those who reject or mock Christ. Allen shows that O'Connor describes the spiritually devoid characters in her book in animal-like terms, equating faithless humans with soulless animals. The essay further asserts that O'Connor uses the zoo as a metaphor for a physical world that entraps those without spirituality. Indeed, the novel shows a world of madness, seemingly empty of values and without meaning, which becomes a prison for those who can find no enlightenment. However, O'Connor herself once stated that "Wise Blood is a very hopeful book." This statement, along with the fact of her devout Catholicism, illuminates O'Connor's theme of Christia nity as a prerequisite for enlightenment and deli...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Lions :: essays research papers

Lions Physical Characteristics Lions have relatively short-legged, long, muscular bodies and large heads. The male grows on average to 1.7 to 2.5 m (5.6 to 8.2 ft) long, not including the tail, which is 90 to 105 cm (36 to 41 in) in length. It stands 1.23 m (4 ft) high at the shoulder, and it weighs 150 to 250 kg (330 to 550 lb). The mane, which covers the head and neck, sometimes extends to the shoulders and belly. The mane will vary in color and length; well-fed, healthy lions have longer, fuller manes. Females are smaller but equally muscular. Lions vary in color from golden to brown. The mane of a male lion will vary from black to yellow. Both sexes have retractable claws to keep them sharp when they are needed. Lions have wide powerful jaws. The lions roar, which can be heard by humans up to 9 (5.6 miles) kilometers away, is usually uttered before the animals hunt in the evening, after a successful hunt, and again in the early morning. Habitat & Human Impact Lions once ranged throughout Africa and from Europe to Iran and India. By 1900 lions were no longer found in Syria; today Asiatic lions are limited to the GÃ ¬r Sanctuary in India. Lions also roam Africa south of the Sahara, particularly the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Kruger National Park in South Africa. This drastic reduction in range came about as humans and domestic livestock spread into savanna lands. Because lions live in open areas, they are easily shot by hunters and herders. Lions fur coats are a highly prized possession by poachers, and are worth a lot. Over the last 200 years, over 90% of the world’s lion population has either been shot or killed as result of humans. Lions are also a very popular attraction for zoos and many lions live in captivity. Diet & Predatorial Behavior Lions are one of the world’s most famous predators. Their preys ranges from insects to giraffes; but they prefer large animals such as zebras and wildebeast. The lion will cautiously stalk its prey until it is within close range and it will sprint reaching speeds about 50 to 60 km/h. The lion will usually take its prey down by the neck using its huge jaws and razor sharp claws. The female is the hunter and will have the first meat, soon after the male comes to share the meat. Lions :: essays research papers Lions Physical Characteristics Lions have relatively short-legged, long, muscular bodies and large heads. The male grows on average to 1.7 to 2.5 m (5.6 to 8.2 ft) long, not including the tail, which is 90 to 105 cm (36 to 41 in) in length. It stands 1.23 m (4 ft) high at the shoulder, and it weighs 150 to 250 kg (330 to 550 lb). The mane, which covers the head and neck, sometimes extends to the shoulders and belly. The mane will vary in color and length; well-fed, healthy lions have longer, fuller manes. Females are smaller but equally muscular. Lions vary in color from golden to brown. The mane of a male lion will vary from black to yellow. Both sexes have retractable claws to keep them sharp when they are needed. Lions have wide powerful jaws. The lions roar, which can be heard by humans up to 9 (5.6 miles) kilometers away, is usually uttered before the animals hunt in the evening, after a successful hunt, and again in the early morning. Habitat & Human Impact Lions once ranged throughout Africa and from Europe to Iran and India. By 1900 lions were no longer found in Syria; today Asiatic lions are limited to the GÃ ¬r Sanctuary in India. Lions also roam Africa south of the Sahara, particularly the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Kruger National Park in South Africa. This drastic reduction in range came about as humans and domestic livestock spread into savanna lands. Because lions live in open areas, they are easily shot by hunters and herders. Lions fur coats are a highly prized possession by poachers, and are worth a lot. Over the last 200 years, over 90% of the world’s lion population has either been shot or killed as result of humans. Lions are also a very popular attraction for zoos and many lions live in captivity. Diet & Predatorial Behavior Lions are one of the world’s most famous predators. Their preys ranges from insects to giraffes; but they prefer large animals such as zebras and wildebeast. The lion will cautiously stalk its prey until it is within close range and it will sprint reaching speeds about 50 to 60 km/h. The lion will usually take its prey down by the neck using its huge jaws and razor sharp claws. The female is the hunter and will have the first meat, soon after the male comes to share the meat.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Interaction Theories Essay

A. Compare and contrast two of the models or theories presented in this chapter considering their usefulness in practice, research, education and administration. For the purposes of this discussion, I have selected King’s Theory of Goal Attainment and Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations. On a broad perspective, both theories aim at explaining the interaction processes that happen between a nurse and her patient. Imogene King’s basic assumption of her theory is that the nurse and the client communicate information, set goals mutually, and act to attain those goals. The same can actually be said with Peplau’s theory wherein she states that nursing is an interpersonal process because it involves interaction between two or more individuals with a common goal, the attainment of which is achieved through the use of a series of steps, and that the nurse and patient work together so both become mature and knowledgeable in the process. A lot of similarities can be seen from both works as they try to explain the nursing process in a nurse-patient interaction level. see fig. 1) The concepts of person, health, environment and nursing are recurring themes on both theories as they attempt to integrate it with each of their own interaction models. The deviation between the two theories occur where the focus of their study lie in the current nursing practice. King focused on the major concept of interacting systems: Personal, interpersonal and social systems, and how the accuracy of determining which system is most applicable would lead to eventual tra nsaction. Because of the severity of her condition, the emergency room nurses attending for this particular patient immediately began taking actions to stabilize her condition, such as securing an IV line, drawing blood for labs, applying oxygen and doing an ECG all at the same time. When asked by a nurse to take her ordered dose of aspirin the patient fearfully verbalized, â€Å"What are you doing to me? † Soon after, when the patient’s condition did not significantly improve but got worse, the physician advised the husband that patient be brought to the cardiac catheterization laboratory for an angiogram. The client was adamant that she did not want to take drastic measures, but the husband indicated that he wanted whatever was necessary to improve his wife’s condition. This is an excellent example of a client losing the sense of self-hood. In regard to the concept of self, King (1981) stated â€Å"If nurses and other professionals interact with patients or clients as human beings, and let the individuals be themselves, nurses and patients would help each other grow in self-awareness and in understanding of human behavior, especially in stressful life experiences. † In an environment that requires one to be reactive and responsive, clients often perceive nurses as being too busy or too hurried. King (1981) encouraged nurses to be aware of how they present themselves to their clients because the manner in which nurses enter a client’s room sets the tone for the entire encounter. Poor communication skills lead to poor transactions and interactions between the nurse and the client. Poor communication skills also affect goal setting and goal attainment (Williams, 2001). It is solely because of this perception that proper â€Å"scripting† with the patients has been constantly reiterated to all nursing personnel and including even the support staff. In stark contrast with the example presented above, here is a situation where King’s Theory of Goal Attainment was used in the emergency room setting. Patient ST, a 32-year old male trauma patient who went to the emergency room due to a traumatic amputation of an arm secondary to a motor vehicle accident. The assessment phase of the nursing process can take in the concepts associated with the personal system. Once the patient has been hemodynamically stabilized, the nurse’s attention is now focused on assisting the patient cope with the feelings of loss, separation and anger that he is experiencing. The patient’s feelings of perception, self body image, growth and development, time and space must be considered after doing the primary survey of airway, breathing and circulation. In fact, this is even specified in my institution’s â€Å"Emergency Room Nursing Database† in its attempts to fulfill the JCI requirements in documentation. Attempting to restore the patient’s self-esteem in the light of the traumatic loss is a mutually established goal between the nurse and the client. It is also important for the nurse to realize that the patient’s perceptual field is narrowed because of the pain and emotion that he is currently experiencing. King’s theory highlights the importance of the participation of the individuals in decision making and deals with the choices, alternatives, and outcomes of nursing care. The theory offers insight into the nurses’ interactions with the individuals and groups within the environment (Williams, 2001). Element of the theory of Imogene King is usually applied specifically in interpersonal and social systems. More often than not, the mode of interaction being used in the emergency department is a dyad (2 people interacting), where the perception of a patient is changed because of a communication that takes place providing education to a patient with knowledge deficit. Such an example occurs in ensuring a patient and its significant others’ compliance; if the patient does not understand the importance of a certain intervention or medication, cooperation and adherence will be very difficult to achieve. But once the nurse educates them with proper nurse-patient interaction and therapeutic communication, compliance and adherence to medical regimen can be achieved. King’s Goal Attainment Theory (Client-Centered Theory) is indeed what we are practicing in the daily routine of the hospital and in any other clinical setting. Giving the patient the pertinent information of what is going to happen or what is happening will lessen the patient’s anxiety that contributes to tachycardia, restlessness and give them a sense of control of the situation.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Betrayal in Antony and Cleopatra Essay

Betrayal in the play ultimately leads to the downfall of many main characters; weather it be betrayal of companions or of their original ideals and morals. If we take the example of Enobarbus’ case, his decline from the strict Roman ethics into the looser morals that symbolise more Egyptian ideals, leads him to betray his general and friend, Antony. Enobarbus then goes onto to die of the guilt and broken heartedness he experiences as a result of his treachery towards Antony and his own moral compass. It is however arguable that Enobarbus traitorous nature is only an outcome and reflection of Antony’s own crumbling roman beliefs. If we take the exchange between Cleopatra and Enobarbus in Act 3, scene 12 lines 2- 12 we can see that Enobarbus lays absolutely none of the blame on Cleopatra’s shoulders but instead tears the Antony to shreds, at one point saying â€Å" The itch of his affection should not then have nicked his captainship, at such a point when half to half the world opposed, he being the mered question†. In these lines Enobarbus says that Antony should not have let his lust (an Egyptian quality) destroy his ability as a general and his duty to his men, at such an incredibly crucial juncture in the battle, especially when the stakes were so high and he was such a key component in the outcome. Shakespeare uses the word affection, which can be read to mean lust. Lust is a trait that Shakespeare lists as an Egyptian quality, and it is vital to note his choice in diction; to stress that the action was not disciplined and Roman but a betrayal of Antony’s Roman nature. There is no mention of the love Antony has for Cleopatra. He also allows us to see Enobarbus’s view that nothing about this was justifiable or right, and that there were no higher motives moving Antony, rather he was pushed into actions by his baser and more primitive emotions such as cowardice and lust saying Antony’s reasons, whatever they may have been, were trivial and unacceptable. The hyperbole in line 9 ‘†¦when half to half the world opposed†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ also stresses this point because it creates a sense of how indubitably important this battle was. This fight was a touchstone of legend; one obviously still remembered in Shakespeare’s time, and still in ours; a war between two of the greatest empires the world has seen to date, the stakes of which were incredible amounts of power, influence, land, and money – more than enough motive to kill for. And yet the ‘†¦mered question†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ the person who this whole war was based on; who these men were fighting this battle for – men without experience or training, against the greatest militant empire of the ancient world – this man they were fighting for ran away. Enobarbus’ dialogue describes how utterly base and treacherous Antony’s actions have been in terms of the values of the Roman Empire. This supports the argument that Antony’s betrayal of his Roman ideals lead to Enobarbus also betraying his Roman nature by defecting to Caesar. These betrayals lead to both their deaths, though if they had stuck to the Roman tenets of societal structure they would not have gone against their own nature; actions such as retreating from the sea battle (Antony) or defecting (Enobarbus), and the play could have had a very different ending. It is these faults of betrayal that set the characters up for their downfalls, echoing Antony’s belief in the doctrine of Ate, which he expresses by saying, ‘when we in our viciousness grow hard†¦ the wise gods seel our eyes’ (Act 3, Scene 13, 114-18).

Further Study

Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gain as graduate education can improve my ability to do best work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career. While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personally, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways.A graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market. When i do degree, i offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, i also have a chance to gain hands-on e xperience in area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study.This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path. Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career.While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways. a graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market.When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study. This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path.Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for conside ring graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career. While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways.A graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market. When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorit ies in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study.This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path. Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career.While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways. a graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market.When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study. This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path.Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can i mprove my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career. While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways.A graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market. When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study.This help s to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path. Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career.While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways. a graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundat ion in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market.When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study. This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path.Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for adv ancement in career. While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways.A graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market. When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study.This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatic ally helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path. Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career.While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways. a graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market.When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study. This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How Has Voting Changed Over Time? Essay

Over time, as America promoted greater civil liberties for all of its citizens, voting rights have also undergone change. When the United States was formed, citizens with voting rights were mainly Caucasian males. African American males that were freed could vote also, but slaves however, were considered property and could not vote. States could administer poll taxes, which often left poorer people without the ability to vote if they couldn’t afford the tax. Women didn’t have voting rights and voters in most states had to be 21 before being able to vote. There are many people that are loosely aware of the difficult battle for votes beginning with the history of the United States. Both major political parties have taken numerous steps toward increasing voter turnout so that more people will participate in this right of all citizens. For much of American history, voting qualifications were such that very few people actually had the power to vote. These qualifications have changed greatly since then to grant nearly all Americans this important democratic privilege. In the eighteenth century, the right to vote was reserved for wealthy white males over the age of 21 and in many cases, those that belonged to the accepted religion of their community. The reasoning was that these people were the only ones educated enough to make a wise decision although women, slaves, and those without property certainly had a lot to say on the matters of the day. Today, through Constitutional Amendments, voting restrictions concerning gender, race, religious affiliation, and wealth have all been eliminated. The minimum age to vote is now 18. All voters must be citizens of the United States.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Odysseus (Epic Hero)

Will Rodgers, an American humorist and social commentator, once remarked that â€Å"Being a hero is about the shortest lived profession on earth† (atd. in carnival of wit 222). While this may be literally true, most heroes live on figuratively in the recorded stories of their exploits, and in many cases they model characteristics that can inspire readers to emulate they're behavior. One obvious example is Homer's Odysseus the fictional king of Ithaca whose courage, strength, and quest for immortality define him as the prototypical epic hero.His encounters with the Trojan war, the Cyclopes, the land of Aeolia with the bag of winds, a witch that accidentally turned his men to pigs and more. Odysseus manages to maintain the delicate balance between hubris and humbleness all throughout his ten year journey home from the Trojan War. This shows that he has potential in being a hero. Homer established the fact that Odysseus was willing to take help in addition to friendship from Athe na when he wrote, â€Å"For I never knew the gods to show such open friendship and Pallas Athene standing by Odysseus. † (The Odyssey, Homer, 23).The meaning of courage is a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear, and that's where Odysseus comes in. Odysseus has been through so much just to get back home to his family. From being in the arms of his loving wife to risking his life at war and the sea adventures with his men. Odysseus is faithful to those whom he loves and is determined to return to his home of Ithaca. As he was on the island with Calypso and she asked him to stay with her, he responded to Calypso by stating, â€Å"Every day I long to travel home and see my day of coming. † (Homer, 49).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Explain the terms span of control and control loss. Are these concepts Essay

Explain the terms span of control and control loss. Are these concepts useful in understanding the design of organizations - Essay Example There are frequent opportunities, so they tend to make the best selection. This has caused the people to raise their expectations manifolds. Today, companies have to be very skillful and knowledgeable in order to make the same benefits that they did in the past with much lesser skill and technical knowledge. In the contemporary market scenario, a businessman can not afford to be uneducated on such technical aspects of business as â€Å"span of control† and â€Å"control loss†. This paper explains the concept of the two terms; span of control and control loss and analyzes their usability in the design of organizations. The concept of span of control was first introduced by by Sir Ian Hamilton in 1922 in the UK (â€Å"Reference for Business†, 2011). Hamilton developed the concept after having studied the British military leaders’ capacity to control a maximum of 3 to 6 people. Since then, this number has been recognized as the standard average number of peop le to be managed by one individual. According to Col. Urwick, an optimal span of control should not exceed 6 (Hattrup, 1993). Hamilton believed in the fact that managers come with limited time and energy to devote to their work. Hence, there has to be a maximum limit on the number of people one individual can effectively manage on the average. Span of control is also called as the span of management. It is essentially a term pertaining to human resources management (HRM). It tells the exact number of workers that a supervisor may adequately manage. Fig: Span of control example (tutor2u, n.d.). The term is of huge significance particularly to the small business runners. Span of control is largely taught in business and management institutions all over the world in the contemporary age. The concept is frequently employed in such large institutions as military, schools and many agencies of the government. However, not many business entrepreneurs are yet familiar with the concept and us ually have no technical means to judge what maximum number of workers should be given in the charge of one supervisor. As a result of lack of knowledge, many businessmen tend to increase the span of control. This, in turn, limits a company’s capacity to grow. What to talk of inexperienced lot, even the most experienced and competent managers have a hard time solving issues of too many people. This saps their ability to concentrate on long term plans, and they are not able to competitively position their business in the market scenario. A business is susceptible to be affected by a lot of risks in its lifetime. Losses may occur due to a variety of reasons. Whenever a business suffers from a loss, it is not just the owners that are affected. Indeed, the whole business is affected. The loss results not only into direct cost, but also the indirect expenses associated with it often exceed the direct costs. Let’s assume a case where the a construction site owner did not prov ide the workers with sufficient safety equipment on the site. One of the plastermen fell from the scaffolding because there was no bracing to support him. He fell on the ground and received several scars and wounds all over his body. He bled heavily. The whole crew left the work and attended the injured. He was taken to the nearby hospital for treatment after the first aid was given on the site. Many workers took it as an opportunity to indulge in lengthy discussions and gossip with one another, discussing how the accident happened, to what extent the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Superfoods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Superfoods - Essay Example One of the world healthiest food? Yes we are talking about almonds. Almonds definitely are listed as superfood too. These are full of vitamin E, copper, fiber, magnesium and phosphorus. Almonds act as a catalyst to boost up the functioning of brain. It provides double protection against diabetes and their healthy fats are very useful to lose weight also ensuring the lower risk of weight gain. Pistachio nuts are regarded as superfoods as they help you in losing the weigh due to their low cholesterol level and effective fibers. Talking about figures thirty pistachio nuts cause you only 100 calories. Most importantly they are tasty and addictive. Once you start eating pistachio nuts you can barely keep your hands off unless and until all you got on plate is their shells.Talking about superfoods how we can forget carrots? Carrots are the ultimate source of Vitamin A. This beautiful, crunch red vegetable comes with numerous advantages. â€Å"Carrots are good for eyes†, we’ve been listening this statement from our childhood and it is true. Carrots are perfect for good vision as Vitamin A is transported to retina thus providing instant pigmentation for good vision. Also carrots prevent from cancer and reduce the risk of other fatal disease by increasing the immune system. Even some components of carrots are being used to produce anticancer medicines. Carrots are also useful for anti-aging purposes. So all the above mentioned foods are superfoods which intake can ensure you a sound body with sound mind.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Community Involvement in Construction Dissertation

Community Involvement in Construction - Dissertation Example The involvement of the community benefits both the community and the economy. The research is made to enhance the economy and to attain advantages from the community. Different books, literary articles in different magazines, newspaper and journals are utilized for the collection of data and information (Groat & Wang, 2002). However, interviews and questionnaire were also adopted for the collection of data. The construction publications and governmental publication are also considered important for the research. The government publications are important in determining the legal situation of the subject. Methodology In order to research the hypothesis, two research methodologies can be adopted (Groat & Wang, 2002). One method is to simply collect the data with relevance to the statement and then prove the hypothesis through the observation and with the help of available information. The collection method should involve the relevant books, journals, literature, etc. The method is often called as the qualitative research method. However, proving the hypothesis by utilizing the scientific tactics or scientific methods, which involves the practical behavior and responses from the people that are influencing the research directly. The method may not involve the collection of data through books, journals, etc. Such research method is known as quantitative research method. ... Secondly, utilization of the questionnaire and interviewing also help community development and fight legal and formal issues. Qualitative and Quantitative Research methods: Qualitative research approach involves the collection of data by researching and exploring the subject of subject without utilizing the principles and laws. The information explores the subject corresponding subject and its constituent parts. The attained information is carefully studied and conclusion is drawn with relevance to the collected information (Groat & Wang, 2002). The information is collected from the books, journals and other such sources that cover the subject. In a quantitative research method, an experimental method is utilized, which follows the scientific methods. In a scientific methods, a sequence of procedures are followed and then according to the finding evaluated through the steps, conclusion is made. The research method involves the collection of data through experimentation and directly consulting the persons that are directly involved (Groat & Wang, 2002). Interviewing or questionnaire is a part of the quantitative research method. Data collection: The information is gathered from various sources and thus it is not in the form that is required. The gathered information required editing. Editing of the information involved the selection of appropriate content and discarding the inappropriate information that is irrelevant to the subject of the research (Groat  & Wang 2002). Secondary Data Collection: In the qualitative research method, primary as well as secondary information sources are searched. Secondary information sources include the previous researches and information available in