Friday, September 13, 2019

Support a side on health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Support a side on health care - Essay Example The law seems to be more of a starting point than a destination for health care reform. Essentially, the liberal minded Democrats want a single payer, universal healthcare system instituted which covers all Americans. A similar all inclusive and much more streamlined system than is still the case in the U.S. system is utilized by Canada, Britain, Japan, Brazil, Russia all western European countries and several other nations. Essentially every civilized, industrialized nation but the U.S. employs some type of universal health delivery. The conservative Republican solution is essentially to do nothing much as was done during the Bush Presidency. Giving tax cuts to the wealthy and tax incentives to businesses and individuals in addition to allowing the free market to operate unabated and unregulated is the repeated rhetoric Republicans offer as a solution to the very complex issue of health care. The Republican answers do not address the problem however which is reducing overall costs w hile covering all persons, a very complex issue requiring more then simple slogan-worthy answers. This paper will examine the Democrat position regarding health care reform while offering the Republican viewpoint as rebuttal. The PPACA is expected to reduce the deficit $143 billion during the first decade and $1.5 Trillion the second decade, 2020-2030. (Holohan, 2010) Included in the new law is a Patient’s Bill of Rights which effectively ends some of the most egregious health insurance company practices. People cannot be denied insurance for pre-existing conditions and cannot have their insurance expire due to lifetime limits of the policy. Children of policy holders can stay on it until the age 26, patients are given an appeals process for coverage decisions by the insurer and other benefits to be phased in over the next few years. The PPACA will also

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